Facebook Protest #StopHateForProfit

Created by Sharon and her San Francisco art-activist partner Flora Davis ( @floralindadavis) for the Protest Facebook project spearheaded by Media Alliance. 

Click the image to find out more or download different sizes and proportions of posters to share on social media, and/or to print out and post.

Please tag with: #StopHateForProfit #FacebookHateGroups #RussianInterference #CoronavirusDisinformation #BlackLivesMatter #CambridgeAnalytica #WhenTheLootingStartsTheShootingStarts #FinePeopleOnBothSides #CitizensUnited #stopzuck.

To request a custom size or resolution, please send a message to sharonsteuer.com/contact

More info and to download posters to share on social media, and/or to print