April 2016: Spring STEUER ARTNews…

April 2016: Spring STEUER ARTNews…

I’ll be hosting MAU Spring OpenStudios THIS weekend!

Please read on for details on Open Studios, as well as a quick roundup of other items in the latest STEUER ARTNews.
(click here or on the picture below for the full STEUER ARTNews).


For more than 8 years my studio has been in the great old industrial building called Workspace. I’m sad to say that due to skyrocketing real estate, we honestly don’t know how much longer we’ll be able to keep our studios. So, if you’re in San Francisco this weekend, please do come by and visit. Workspace Limited is at 2150 Folsom Street (between 17th and 18th Streets). Our studios are to the right, at the top of the long staircase. My studio is in the back corner of Studio 1 (the first studio on your right), and I’ll be there between noon and 6pm on Saturday and Sunday. If yo can stop by you’ll see some of the new fabric collages, a few custom fabric prints and digital originals, and you’ll get a chance to see me at work on the fabric collages, and with my new magic pen+paper=>digital+Illustrator sketching. In addition to the current work, you’ll find some “classic” works on display, and more in crates for you to discover. There are quite a few pieces ready to hang as part of your collection, and many more unframed awaiting your instructions for display. So if you’re in town this gloriously warm weekend, please stop first at Workspace, where you can pick up a postcard map, then continue on your art adventures to visit more of the Mission Artist United artist studios.

If you didn’t receive my newsletter yesterday, click here or in the picture above to see the complete STEUER ARTNews. In addition to OpenStudios you’ll find details about where else you can see my work, when you can see me speak at a conference (with discount codes for attending), as well as info about my lynda tutorials, books and articles, and how best to keep in touch.

I hope to see you this weekend!

all my best,

P.S. This time you WILL know far enough in advance to plan for it:
Please Save-the-Date for what may be our last 2016 Artspan Fall Open Studios at Workspace: Saturday & Sunday, November 5th & 6th, from noon to 6pm.